Competitor Intelligence AI
for Business Edge
Effortlessly track and manage competitor intelligence with consolidated insights, automated multi-sourced reporting, and unlimited feature comparison tracking to streamline competitive workflows
Every business needs to track its competitors to maintain an edge
Consolidated Competitor Intelligence Tracking
Sharbo AI tracks insights from consolidated business and product intelligence. With multi-sourced data refreshed at a custom frequency, there’s no need for multiple provider subscriptions.
Custom Intelligence Updates & Easy Export
Set competitors as tracking targets for Sharbo AI, customize update frequencies, and receive tailored, multi-sourced intelligence reports on your schedule. Export the latest competitor insights as a polished file with one click.
Feature Intelligence & Custom Comparison Tracking
Track competitor features at a custom frequency and auto-save product sources for multi-round analysis. Self-syncing comparisons provide context-relevant insights, ensuring your feature intelligence stays up-to-date.
Making Competitive Intelligence Accessible at Scale with Sharbo
Sharbo AI simplifies your entire competitive workflow and offers the most accessible platform to outpace your competition
Consolidated Intelligence
Multi-sourced competitor insights across millions of companies and products, eliminating the need for multiple provider subscriptions.
Eliminate Repetitive Research
Save time and resources with automated competitor research and intelligence tracking. Access multi-sourced insights without relying on fragmented tools or manual updates.
Scalable Accessibility
Flexible delivery schedules and on-demand insights ensure intelligence is accessible and aligned with your workflow. Easily export, embed, or share insights across your team.
Automated Tracking & Reporting
Automatically track competitor data as Sharbo AI builds multi-sourced reports with custom schedules to keep your intelligence always updated.